Could your life use more Death Doula/Mortician content?

Karen Karnatz, Death Doula in Redding, CA

Oh, good! I'm glad, because I have information to share with you. Being a mortician isn’t even weird anymore…

I know this because we are all over TikTok (here's is a well-respected example) and there are a ton more, each with their own dance skills and, dare I say, sense of decorum.

As a life-long death care professional, I appreciate that our death positive (phrase coined by C.D.) outlook seems to be gaining some traction in the real world and more than that, I am encouraged to see people willing to talk about death and dying. Not just people who have jobs that force them to see things most would rather not, but everyday people who notice their own grief or that of others and want to explore those feelings - and maybe learn something.

Too often by the time I get the chance to share what I have learned about death and dying, it is too late - meaning I am in my chair as a death care professional, guiding a family through the next steps after someone has died. There are so many ways they could have been educated beforehand, and I often wish I had been there to share information that may have helped facilitate a better end-of-life experience. I try in the moment, but death care in America can be so bewildering it often means frustration for the people trying to figure out what to do next.

During my 25+ year career in death care, I have been a student of death, dying and grief. The people I have been honored to work with have taught me so much about what we need before, during and after a death has occurred. I don’t come with my own information, I come with theirs.

Also - I am in my 40’s and I’ll be darned if I am going through a for-real mid-life crisis where all I want to do is talk about this stuff all day but I don’t want to learn TikTok. I probably will because I hear kids our age are hanging out there, but I don’t want to.

I started Mourning Space as a place where all grief is welcome.

It is true - I know a lot about what happens when someone dies - physically, mentally and even spiritually. I am going to use any platform I have to share this information, so that you aren’t blind when it comes to what to expect in this very real and very normal experience.

but also….

Through the experience of being grief-adjacent for decades, I am aware of how much of our daily life is influenced by the grief we are carrying, whether we know (or admit) to carrying it at all. Here I also ask the question - if we own our grief and witness with compassion the grieving going on around us, can we make the world a better place?

I am betting my life (writing life, anyway) that the answer is yes.

Here I will answer common questions and dispel common misconceptions about the end-of-life process, including what happens after. I will share some roadblocks to look out for, but also the inspiring stories of those who have used their grief for transformation.

At Mourning Space, I believe we live our best lives when we begin with the end in mind (He was right on, that Stephen Covey). Here is where we practice grieving, and get good at it!

Still with me?

My endless thanks for your time and attention. If you want to go all-in on this grief thing with me you can expect to hear more every Monday.

I reserve the right to reassess my content as I get my sea-legs, but my goal will always be to educate and inspire through the lens of the end-of-life…

with the goal of your personal empowerment and transformation!


Stages of Grief


What is a Death Doula?